User Management
- Authentication is verifying the identity of user or entity or any resource.
- Important to create unique username and passwords for accessing a database service
- Managing database users is to control what database users can and cannot do.
- Privieleges to a single database : database specific privileges
- To audit activity that occurs in the system.
- Grant special permissions or privileges
- To maintain the database server or process
- To manage user accounts
- To monitor security
- To manage a database(s)
- Administrative roles
- Granular privileges
- To apply restrictions
- Limitations to particular hosts, databases or views
- Limitations on number of connections and queries
- It is used to create a new user in the database server.
CREATE USER user_name@hostname identified by ‘password’;
is the name of the host from which the user can connect to the MySQL server. It is optional and if not provided, the user can connect from any host.
#Examples of creating database user
#can connect from localhost
create user user_name@localhost identified by 'password';
# can connect from any host
create user user_name1 identified by 'password';
# To display list of database users
select user from mysql.user;
# to display username, host, account_locked and password_expired field
SELECT user, host, account_locked, password_expired FROM mysql.user;
Grant privieleges
- Creating user does not grant any privileges to the user. GRANT statement should be used to grant privileges to the user
- Grant privilege or privileges.
- If multiple privileges, use commas to separate them
GRANT privilege [,privilege],..
ON privilege_level
TO user_name;
use bookinfo;
grant select on bookinfo.* to user1@localhost;
# to show grants for a specific user
show grants for user1@localhost;
# to show grants for a root user
show grants for root@localhost;
User Management with MySQl Workbench
- Lets create an user account and provide the user with database specific privieleges.
- Make a new connection with this user info and display databases for this user.
- Try writing some sql queries such as create database dbname;